We’re featuring an interview with Metropolitan Opera Orchestra bassist Dan Krekeler this week on the podcast. John Grillo of classicalmusicnews.tv and I co-interviewed Dan, which was particularly cool since we’ve both known Dan for many years. I played with Dan in the Civic Orchestra of Chicago, and John went to Indiana University with him as an undergraduate. It’s great to see an old friend have such great professional success, and it was a lot of fun to catch up with Dan and hear about his experiences on the road to a major orchestral position.
In our conversations about audition prep, Dan brings up musician coach Don Greene, and I realized that we’ve never actually talked about Don before on any blog posts or podcasts. This is surprising, since I’m a big fan of Don’s concepts and strategies for successful auditioning, so we’ll have to delve more into that topic at a later date.
If you’re in the mood to learn about the world of opera bass playing, these episodes from our archives would be a good start:
- Opera Excerpts Breakdown with John Grillo
- Jeremy McCoy (asst. principal bass of the Met) interviews
- Greg Sarchet (Lyric Opera of Chicago) interviews
- Andy Anderson (Lyric Opera of Chicago) interviews
I’m wondering if you could pass on my details to Dan Krekeler as I was working at Norfolk Chamber Music summer school ten years ago when he was there as a student along with many others. It would be good to catch up. thanks alot. Tanya