Join Brendan Fitzgerald, Assistant Principal Double Bass for the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, as he shares his comprehensive approach to preparing for and succeeding in orchestra auditions. From practicing at half tempo and balancing practice with a full-time job, to managing nerves with beta blockers, Brendan covers all aspects of his preparation process. Learn how to handle the audition day, manage your workload, and ensure your best performance under pressure. Don’t miss his key takeaways for musicians looking to secure a professional orchestra position.
Check out Brendan’s past podcast appearance here as well as his appearance on Ryan Beach’s podcast.
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Upton Bass Rosin, developed by Gary Upton, boasts an excellent feel, response, and tone for double bass bows. Gary believes it’s the best bass rosin available. It’s appreciated by users like Blake Hinson from the New York Philharmonic for its quality and performance. Learn more about Upton’s rosin, basses, and more at uptonbass.com.
Carnegie Mellon University Double Bass Studio is a valued part of an innovative fine arts community in a top research university. Students receive weekly private lessons and solo classes with Micah Howard, and Peter Guild teaches weekly Orchestral Literature and Repertoire. They encourage students to seek lessons and guidance from local bassists. Members of the Symphony, the Opera, and the Ballet provide annual classes and individual attention. Visit Micah’s website to sign up for a free online trial lesson here.
- theme music by Eric Hochberg